YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 13, 2014


October 9th. we took a group of 33 of our Young@Heart people over to Scioto Hills Camp to enjoy a luncheon program. They typically have this program, “Seasoned Saints”, twice a year in the spring and fall. So we scheduled this trip for a nice Fall Color drive and an opportunity to enjoy some good music and comedy.

There was some color but it was a rainy, gray, overcast day! So, while the color was there, it wasn’t the great brilliant color that we think of when we think “fall color”. Here is a sample photo that I took from the patio where we had our luncheon. I was a true fall day but not a brilliant one!


20141009_122151_2The photo above is the dining hall of the camp where we ate. It does a good job of illustrating the cloudy sky.


The camp director and leader of the “Seasoned Saints” program is Scott Bruns. Scott introduced our program and gave an update about the camp. I was surprised to find that they have a full-time staff at the camp of 8 to 14 people, depending on if we count wives in the number. I think it is fair to do this since they help with the meals, and so on, throughout the entire year. The kids camps are their primary focus but they have year around activities such as “Seasoned Saints” and various church groups. In fact, our church is sending down a group of men for a Men’s Retreat, late this month.



To start, we had a very nice luncheon. Actually, it was very tasty and I have requested a couple of the recipes to use in our Newsletter. Watch for them! We had one of the larger groups and were acknowledged as the group traveling the furthest.



Joy Jones was our featured soloist. The last time we went to Scioto Hills, fall of 2012, we heard Joy and two of her sons sing. They weren’t able to join her, this year. She has a nice voice and we enjoyed the gospel music.

One of my greatest fears when planning our programs for Young@Heart is that we would have a last minute cancellation of our performer due to illness, etc. That is what happened to Scott for this program. We were supposed to have a male singer and comedian and he had to cancel two days prior to the program. We were fortunate to have Joy available.

If you’d like to know more about the camp click on this link.

If you’d like to know more about Joy and her boys check out their website, here.

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