YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Stan The Magic Man–October 12, 2015

As we normally do, we started our program with prelude music prior the actual program. This week we had Fred Scheffler (a piano teacher) with Nathan Brandt (his student) play the piano. They each played a selection of music solo and also played a piano duet.



You can listen to a portion of their recital for this Young@Heart program HERE.


After our other opening program of jokes, birthdays and anniversaries, I publicized our upcoming Day Trips. Later this month we will enjoy a leisurely train ride from Connersville, IN to Metamora, IN. Then we’ll have lunch and explore this old pre-Civil War town. Some may also wish to ride the Canal Boat. If so, I suggested they pack a lunch because we will only be in Metamora for about two hours before the train leaves, again. This seems like it may be the most popular Day Trip during my tenure with Young at Heart! We will probably require all three busses!


Now, for our program – This month we enjoyed a fun Magic Program by Stan Goode. Stan is an old friend of our Young@Heart but hasn’t been with us for three of four years. Rumor has it that he did a disappearing act and hadn’t been seen for some time. Fortunately, we were able to contact him and bring him back. I was surprised at how many of our people invited their in-laws to join us! Do you think they were hoping that Stan would do his disappearing act, with them? Of course, I am only teasing; and Stan did a fun variety of illusions that we enjoyed.





Stan performed a good number of illusions with cards, ropes, lights and even predicting what Stan #2 would put in the jar! He also did a nice tie-in with scripture on a couple of the illusions.


I hope everyone enjoyed having Stan the Magic Man return.


Following Stan, I did a very short devotional. Because of time limitation, I kept it purposely very short. Maybe, I can put the entire devotional that tied in with football, in one of our newsletters.


Of course, we had one of our own “Undisputed Good Meals” provided by Lisa and our kitchen and dining room volunteers!

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