YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cape Cod - Day 3

OK, now we officially begin our tours of Cape Cod. Today was a busy day we started with a nice breakfast in our hotel, then met our guide for the week and began our bus travel around Cape Cod. Our first stop was a visit at a Glass Museum. I have to admit that this didn’t appear to be something that I would enjoy but initial impressions were wrong. I did enjoy it. Some of the work was really outstanding. Much of the larger pieces would sell for many thousands of dollars.We also had demonstrations of glass blowing.Across the road there was a neat place for the “fountain of youth”. I watched many of the gals drink but so far haven’t noticed any immediate changes. Perhaps in the morning we will be joined by "younger" girls. Of course, us guys could benefit, too!Next, we went to the canal and learned about Cape Cod as an island. I always thought it was just a peninsula but in the early 1900’s a series of projects began to build a canal across to the ocean. Now, the only way across to the Cape is by bridge. We saw a museum dedicated to the building of this canal. Of course, we visited the canal area, also. There were lots of boats.Next we ate at a nice sea food place. The food was good! After lunch, drove on and did a short visit to a potato chip factory where they make the Cape Cod Potato Chips. This was a self guided tour with the main benefit being that we received a couple of bags of chips at the end of the tour.After our chips, we visited the JFK Museum. This is relatively small with only photos. We also walked the streets of Hyannis and enjoyed the unique shops.
Then, this led us to a visit of the JFK Memorial, where we took a group photo.Finally, we ended the day with a nice meal at the Irish Restaurant where we again ate sea food or other delicacies and were entertained by a pair of singers.

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