YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Young at Heart Day Trip–Carillon Park & Patterson Homestead

We had a small, but fun, group of people going with us on this day trip. It will be interesting to see if this is a trend. Maybe we should consider every other month day trips for 2013!

First, we went to the Carillon Park. This is what I consider one of the finest historical parks in the world and certainly the best in the Dayton area. We are fortunate to have places like this in our area, and so much more. We spent most of our time in the main building because of the new exhibits that have been added when they brought the Deed Barn inside from Moraine.





We also gave everyone a ride on the carousel. This was made specifically for the park and features a number of items from our history.




We also spent some time in the outside buildings with emphasis on a couple of the newest additions. One that I really enjoyed was the Newcom Tavern. The were roasting a turkey at the fireplace. Fortunately, this was not a hot day or it would have been really bad around that fireplace.


Next, we went into the Culp’s CafĂ© for lunch. We were doing the Pick 2 with an option for the Daily Special which was Cabbage Roll. All but two of us chose to do the Cabbage! We followed this up with Ice Cream.


After eating we spent a few more minutes in the main building to allow for shopping or further browsing the exhibits. Fortunately, I found a back hall with more exhibits that I had entirely missed before. This included an exhibit from NCR that included what the guide said was the first NCR ATM. That wasn’t true. It was a second generation NCR 1780 which I helped design. It was preceded by the NCR 770 and also the NCR 1770. This were the first Through the Wall and Lobby ATMs but were not shown here. The 770 was much larger than the one shown.


The photo on the left is the NCR 1780. I had a dual role with this product and provided Technical Support for a couple of years and then was a product manager for further development. This was the first ATM to gain significant sales and was purchased by bankers. Later we designed a version of this one that could be easily used from your car.  The photo on the right is one of the first NCR Electronic Cash Registers. I also provided support for this but was only involved in the development when it concerned the servicing of the terminal. A lot of department stores ordered these.


Finally, we finished our day at the Patterson Homestead. This home was the residence of Col.William Patterson, the father of John H Patterson, the founder of NCR. The home is almost 200 years old. It featured furnishings and also letters from the sons who served in the Civil War.Patterson

I recommend either of these sites for a  great family visit. Great places to take visitors!

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