YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Young at Heart Valentine’s Day Luncheon Program

Our luncheon for February 2012 (Feb. 14, 2012) was a fantastic day, even though the weather wasn’t very good. Our numbers were down but it was still a great day and we enjoyed the program.

We started with a program by Fred Scheffler and David Brandt on the piano. They always do a good variety of music from Pop, to Gospel and Classical. You can hear they play HERE.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter this we did our normal joke session and acknowledged Anniversaries and Birthdays.  This month we did something we have never done, before. We acknowledged a 100th birthday! Helen Piper turned 100 (she calls it double 50) so we brought her to the front and presented her with a small cake. Helen is a really sweet lady and a good example for people half her age.

She is still very active and enjoys visiting and walking. She still uses her computer, so be careful what you say here. Smile

Thank you Helen for sharing your time with us. We LOVE you.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANext, we enjoyed a terrific musical program by Dave Harney. Dave provides a nice variety of vocal music, jokes and stories. One story I will never forget it how he almost passed away a couple of years ago. I’m sure he would have been invited to sing in the Heavenly Choir (or maybe direct it) but the Lord had other plans because He has a purpose for him down here. If you missed this program and would like to hear it, you can find it HERE.

We all enjoyed a meal in the dining area. Lisa and her kitchen staff provided a great meal and the food was very good. There was even enough for second helpings! I especially enjoyed the apple salad and the strawberry dessert. We will provide the recipes for these in our March Newsletter. I may even surprise Nancy and make it for her, sometime!

Be sure to thank the nice people from Fifth-Third Bank for their help serving the meal! They have been helping with this as a service project.

Brookdale also provided some of the food. We will have others helping in this way with the food and serving in the future.

Next month, we will enjoy a program by David Cain, The Juggler for Jesus. You will not want to miss this one and we can certainly hope and pray for nicer weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Dave's singing.