YAH Purpose

The Young at Heart Ministry is for Senior Adults (those past retirement age) in the Dayton, Ohio area. We provide times of fellowship and entertainment during our monthly Luncheons. We also provide the opportunity to see interesting places and things around the area during our monthly Day Trips. Once a year (sometimes more frequently) we offer a longer trip to see areas far from Dayton. All of our programs are designed to be honoring to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Young at Heart Luncheon–David Cain, “Juggler for Jesus”

This month we had a great program to go along with some awesome weather!

As we normally do, we warmed up and brought people in from our foyer with a few jokes. Some of these were more yucks that jokes, perhaps. I used a theme about Jugglers. I have to be honest, I couldn’t find a good selection of jokes about this. Perhaps, because they ARE the jokes. You can hear what I said HERE and judge for yourselves!

Of course we followed this with our normal acknowledgements and we had a very good number of birthdays. I wasn’t aware there were such a large number born that month of the year! Of course, that is Nancy’s birth month, so I should have known. Now, let’s hope that I don’t forget the actual date. One of you please remind me!

Don’t forget, you can click on the images to see a larger version

David Cain is much more than a mere Juggler! He also plays the piano and sings. Today, he sang a song that he wrote. You can listen HERE.


After making our announcements about upcoming trips, we’d cover the trip for “A Day in Pompeii” next week, we had David Cain come up and perform his Juggling act for us. David is a very good juggler with a fantastic twist. As I said he is called “The Juggler for Jesus” and he combines his juggling skills with Bible illustrations. This is a very effective way to minister. In addition to our photos, you can watch a YouTube video promotion of his act. He did some of the same things for us as shown in THIS VIDEO.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA Juggling act wouldn’t seem right without him doing the 10-Pins would it! Here he is. He balanced one on his nose and did a good job of tossing them around without dropping anything. Maybe he could even be a successful Chain Saw Juggler! Smile


Next, he did what every juggler does and tossed around some balls. However, he did his with a really neat twist and brought in the Story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. I think this was really appropriate for this season when we will be celebrating Easter in a few more weeks. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to get any good photos! Sad smile

David did a nice performance of balancing and spinning a couple of large balls but then also brought Ted Jones up on the platform to show everyone how easy it is to balance at least ONE!


Ted was great, wasn’t he!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI really enjoyed the performance with the Boomerangs. I never saw this type before and it looks like it could be something to play around with and enjoy with the Grand-Kids! His had a hole in it and he was able to throw it out and get his finger right through the hole when it returned.

Pretty cool, isn’t it. I gotta get one of these!




As we’ve been able to see, David can do much more than Juggle. He is a bit of an Indiana Jones act with a whip, too. This time he brought Paul Sensenbaugh up on the platform to risk his life! He had Paul hold an uncooked spaghetti out with something on the end, so he could cut it with the whip! Don’t do this one at home, unless you use someone you really do not like!!!!


Fortunately, for Paul, David is pretty good with the whip, too!

One of my jokes was about David transporting the swords in the back of his car. I guess he didn’t need a concealed sword permit for that. So, he did some juggling with the swords. As with the whip, don’t try this one at home. You can also forget doing the trick with the chainsaws!


Another item that he used that may be something fun to play around with in your backyard was the Chinese YaYa. At least that is what I think he called it. This seems to work like a huge YoYo but can be flipped, etc.


After the excellent performance, we moved back into the dining area for a very good meal prepared by Lisa and her able staff of helpers. Everything we had was made from scratch. I am not sure what that means but to me in means it was good wholesome healthy food that didn’t come out of a box or the freezer section of the grocery store. We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and coleslaw. This was followed by a very nice green dessert. The food was delicious! I know you will be asking for the recipes, so I am asking Lisa to provide them and we will publish them in one of the newsletters. Then you can impress your families, too!

March13-104March13-105The tables were decorated with a good old St. Patrick’s Irish theme, complete with green hats. I couldn’t resist putting them on a couple of our people and taking fun photos.






Once again, we were very well served by the people from Fifth/Third Bank, including their manager, Greg Poe (Lisa’s husband). I hope everyone is thanking them for the fantastic service they are providing.


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